

All of us have our own sentiments and loneliness. When I’m in solitude, I have the fear to be left alone. I don’t want to shed tears and I don’t want to see the corners of those memories. I would probably divert my time into doing foolish things. Most of us experience extreme loneliness. Others would say it’s unbearable (no such thing though). Although it is good to experience this so that when it strikes you once again, you are strong enough to overcome it yet, the magnitude of the pain will never dwindled over and over again.

Confusion has led me to many wrong conclusions which give me yet another misery. Wrong decisions or no decision at all is also playing around with my feelings. Well someone taught me feelings will fade, so I better stand on that conviction. However what if what you have been through is not just feelings? What if this is LOVE oh man… I do not want to grief over it once more… Why we need to feel emptiness??

Duhhh… I am living because of LOVE yet LOVE is leaving me behind huhuhu... Please let’s help fill each other’s emptiness because no one can ever complete their lives by themselves, we need somebody…

3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    ur confused... guess u need someone o talk to...

  2. Anonymous Says:

    what do i think? :D... i think u should change the way you see thru things... emotion is very complicated thing to understand (in fact it’s not even a thing! It’s just an idea, a concept, a feeling perhaps ), it is variable, it is magical, it has plenty of way making you inspired or makes you completely miserable. Whatever emotions you are experiencing right now it’s the EFFECT of what decisions you have made before. So, I think next time you make a DECISION, either simple or complex make it a BETTER ONE (and I mean, the really best one that you can make) and think about consequences or the results it may cause in the future, doing this may save you from massive distress in the future. Nothing is permanent in this world by the way, everything is temporary, even love, hate and all shits… the better we handle/deal with this things… the easier the life will be, lesser stress, less pain… just ride on… get to the flow… entertain yourself!... learn more things!... keep that brain busy!... And always remember Life is too damn short! So be cool! :D

  3. Tyrfing Says:

    ^ what anonymous said

    emotions need to be controlled. after all, balance is the key to enjoy life, take everything in moderation.
    when you make a decision try not to do it because of emotion, make it the last basis for your decision.
    abe ba nako gahi ka?heheh